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Waste containers
Plastic pallets
Plastic pallets
Industrial Pallets
Plastic pallets :: Industrial Pallets
Industrial plastic pallets for the production, industry, trasnportation and warehouses.
Plastic euro pallet ES1 - 120x80cm
Plastic euro pallet ES2 - 120x80cm
Plastic euro pallet ES4 - 120x80cm
Industrial plastic pallet IP4 - 120x100cm
Industrial plastic pallet IP4-5R - 120x100cm
Industrial plastic pallet IP3 - 120x100cm
Industrial plastic pallet IP2 - 120x100cm
Export plastic pallet NP1 - 120x100cm
Export plastic pallet NP2-9L - 120x100cm
Export plastic pallet NP3-9L - 120x100cm
Export plastic pallet NP4-9L - 120x80cm
Export plastic pallet NP5-9L - 120x80cm
Export plastic pallet NP1-3R - 120x100cm
Export plastic pallet NP2-3R - 120x100cm
Export plastic pallet NP3-3R - 120x100cm
Export plastic pallet NP4-3R - 120x80cm
Export plastic pallet NP5-3R - 120x80cm
Drum plastic pallet DP - 120x120cm
Petrochemical industrial plastic pallet PS2 - 130x110cm
Small plastic pallet SP - 80x60cm
Petrochemical industrial plastic pallet PS3 - 130x110cm
Petrochemical industrial plastic pallet PS4 - 130x110cm
Plastic euro pallet ES1-ECO - 120x80cm
Export plastic pallet NP1-ECO - 120x100cm
Export plastic pallet NP4-9L-ECO - 120x80cm